• Call for Volunteers

The Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society continues to grow and be THE Society for Early Career Vascular Surgeon. The Executive Council is pleased to announce an open call for volunteers to serve on one or more of the many VESS Committees. Both nominations of other members and self-nominations are invited.

Active members in good standing are eligible to serve as are Candidate Members. Though not required, including a brief paragraph indicating why you would like to serve may be helpful to the Nominating Committee and Executive Council members who will consider all appointments.

Unless otherwise indicated, most terms begin following the annual winter meeting of each year with most committee business being conducted by conference call. In many instances, committee members rotate up to chair during their final year. Committee chairs and Society representatives are invited to attend the Executive Council meetings twice annually during the Annual Meeting in the winter and the spring meeting held at VAM.

To volunteer, submit your application by Monday, January 13, 2025.

The following committees have openings for nominations:

  • Spring Program Committee (2 Year Term)
    Committee members work collaboratively with the SVS Program Committee to select abstracts for the VESS spring meeting in conjunction with VAM. Term begins following the 2024 Spring Meeting.
  • Annual (Winter) Program Committee (2 Year Term)
    Committee members review and select abstracts for the Annual Meeting and assist in the development of the scientific program.
  • Communications: Website/Social Media Sub-Committee (2 Year Term)
    Reviews existing website, suggest changes and updates and new ideas.
  • Communications: Newsletter Sub-Committee (2 Year Term)
    Develop, write and review content for three issues of the VESS Newsletter annually.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (4 Year Term)
    The purpose of this committee is to identify and promote ways to address minority issues in vascular surgery and encourage women and minorities to actively participate in the Society and its committees. It is also responsible for fostering the VESS Mentor Program each year.
  • Fundraising Committee (3 Year Term)
    Research and implement comprehensive fundraising campaigns to support Society initiatives. Assist in the fundraising for the annual winter meeting. Help to identify industry with an interest in vascular surgery that may want to support the Society in some way.
  • Grants and Awards Committee (2 Year Term)
    Review applications and select winners for awards (Travel, Resident Research and Early Career Investigator). Also review any requests to survey the VESS membership and submit recommendation to the Executive Council.
  • Membership Development Committee (2 Year Term)
    Assist with member recruitment strategy when necessary. Review list of applicants and present nominations for membership to the Executive Council for review before final vote during the Annual Business Meeting.
  • Bylaws Committee (3 Year Term)
    Review the by-laws from time-to-time as directed by the Council and make recommendations regarding amendments. Assist with the development of official policies & procedures for Society business.
  • Vascular Trainee Education Committee (2 Year Term)
    Develop programs (i.e.: Technology Forum, Fellows Program) and address issues of vascular trainees.
  • Student Education Committee (2 Year Term)
    Develop program and address issues for medical students interested in a vascular surgery career.

Sign Up to Volunteer

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